Thursday, January 25, 2024

How do we know when a society is unsustainable? What are the warning signs?


How do we know when a society is unsustainable? What are the warning signs?

A society is unsustainable when it can no longer meet the needs of its people. There are many warning signs that a society is unsustainable, including: •Environmental degradation •Declining natural resources •Inequality and poverty •Political instability •Social unrest If a society exhibits any of these warning signs, it is important to take action to correct the problems before they cause the society to collapse.

How do we know when a society is unsustainable? What are the warning signs?

A society is unsustainable when it can no longer meet the needs of its people. There are many warning signs that a society is unsustainable, including: •Environmental degradation •Declining natural resources •Inequality and poverty •Political instability •Social unrest If a society exhibits any of these warning signs, it is important to take action to correct the problems before they cause the society to collapse.

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