Tuesday, October 01, 2024

How To Find Someone To Buy Weed For You: The Ultimate Guide!


How To Find Someone To Buy Weed For You: The Ultimate Guide!

Image Source: Flickr


Anyone who has ever been to college knows that one thing that is guaranteed: you will get drunk at some point. The days of sneaking a beer behind your parents’ back are long gone, and so is the opportunity to drink in peace. However, there is no need to panic just yet. There are plenty of places on campus where you can buy alcohol without having to sneak out or break the law. This includes buying marijuana as well as other recreational drugs like cocaine, ecstasy, or GHB (a less common alternative name for ecstasy). However, before you go straight from buying booze to buying weed, keep reading this article for some useful information on how you can find someone to buy weed for you!

Where To Buy Weed Near College?

Finding someone who can sell you weed can be difficult, especially if you are at a smaller school. Most major cities have a couple of stores selling marijuana, and even very small towns have at least one store selling weed. If you are at a school in a rural area, it could be a bit more difficult, but it can still be done. If you are at a school where there are no stores selling marijuana, don’t worry. You can still find someone who can sell you weed. You might have to look harder, but it is doable. In addition to looking harder, you can consider other options. While many people think that the best place to buy weed is from a friend from college, this is not always the case. Many friends move to different cities after college and simply don’t want to deal with the hassle of running into their old school friends every single day. If you are at a school where there are no stores selling marijuana and your friends are also hesitant to sell weed, you should look into online options.

How To Buy Weed Online

If you don’t live near a city with a store selling marijuana, then you will have to get your weed online. There are plenty of websites that sell marijuana, and many of them have free shipping. This makes it easy to buy marijuana online and have it shipped straight to your door. You will have to be prepared to wait a couple of weeks, since the marijuana will have to grow and be processed before it is ready to ship to you.

Ask Around

If you are at a school where there are no stores selling marijuana and your friends are also hesitant to sell weed, you should try to find someone who is willing to sell. You can do this by asking around. Most students at schools where there are stores selling marijuana also have friends who sell marijuana, so you should be able to find someone to sell to you. Remember, you want to be very careful when asking around. It is usually a bad idea to ask someone to sell you marijuana, and it is especially bad to ask someone if you are at school.

Find A Stoner Friend

If all of your friends are hesitant to sell, you might have to look outside of your social circle. There are plenty of students who are willing to sell marijuana and might be willing to sell it to you if you ask nicely. You can find these people online or by talking to your friends who smoke weed. Most weed smokers will be happy to talk to you about the different stores in your area, and most of them won’t care that you are a stranger.

Other Options

If none of your friends are willing to sell you weed and none of your social circles have anyone willing to sell, you should keep searching. There are plenty of other ways to find someone to sell you weed. One of the best ways to find someone to sell weed is to join a marijuana-related online community. There are many online communities that cater to marijuana smokers, and they are a great place to find a friend to sell marijuana to you. You can also look through online forums and message boards to see if anyone is looking to sell marijuana.

Don’t Buy From A Street Dealer

Finally, even if someone is willing to sell you marijuana, you should avoid buying marijuana from a street dealer. Street dealers are usually just as shady as buying from a friend, and they are usually not even aware of how bad a deal they are giving you. If you find someone willing to sell you marijuana, then you should try to buy it from them. You should never buy marijuana from a street dealer, no matter how tempted you are by the price or how much you think you deserve it.


Finding someone to sell you weed is a lot harder than it looks, and you will probably have to work a bit harder than most to find someone to sell to you. If you are at a school where there are no stores selling marijuana, your best bet is to look online or try to find someone within your social circle. If your friends are reluctant to sell, you should try to find someone who is willing to sell to you outside of your social circle. Remember, you don’t have to find someone to sell to you. If you don’t have anyone willing to sell to you, don’t buy from a street dealer. If you do these things correctly, you should be able to find someone to sell you weed.

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